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Η δια βίου μάθηση στη πράξη. Κι όμως συμβαίνει... Immediatedly after his 100th birthday on Saturday, Oct 16 he will go back to college

Bholaram Das, Indian freedom fighter, who celebrated his 100th birthday on Saturday, Oct 16 announced that he will go back to college and satisfy his hunger for studies by pursuing PhD.

Oct 18: Buzz up!Bholaram Das has enrolled his name in Guwahati University, Assam, for a PhD program and plans to study the spread of neo-Vaishnavism ( a part of Hindu religion) in his native village Bohori, which helped in breaking down of social divisions in Assam.
"In my 100 years of life, I have done lots of things related to society, politics, governance and religion," said Das, at his birthday celebration function.
Das started his professional life as a teacher, later he worked as a lawyer, then a magistrate and finally as a district court judge before retiring in 1971.
Bholaram Das has ten grandchildren and a great-grandchild and in 1988, he lost his wife Mandakini.
"It's good to see that even after retiring from service, my grandfather is still strong to study and wants to do new things," said grandson Abhinab Das.
In 1930, Bholaram Das was jailed for participating in a protest against British rule in India. He joined the Congress Party in 1945 and worked with the party for the sake of Independence.

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Written By: Αντώνιος Δάσκος
Date Posted: 18/10/2010
Number of Views: 2213

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